
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Our New Residents

  If you were to visit our shed ,you will first  be greeted by our new resident. You will definitely not miss her presence.


Don’t be afraid by her size. She is actually very warm and friendly.PC170130

Meet Subu the huge Dogue de Bordeaux, our new gentle resident….though she can be very rough without realising her own size and strength.

PC170131 We believed she was dumped after they have fully made use of her. For your information, we were told that their puppies can fetch up to RM3000!!!

She was all skin and bones when she was first brought back to the shed.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Brownie when she was adopted from us.

These are Brownie's latest pix.

Dear People,This is brownie ans she ran away from the a veterinary clinic where she was boarding two days ago. Brownie was adopted from one of our adoption drives in Nov last year. Her humans are worried sick and have been going around the area looking for Brownie. They say she is timid and is afraid of thunder and lightining. Her predominant colours are brown, black and white with small patches of black and brown on her legs. Also had a bushy white tail. Those who spot Brownie please take her in and call 03-79802450 OR 017-8865607. If you spot her - PLEASE, PLEASE take her and call the numbers as she may wander off farther away. PLEASE HELP. Check out for location map.



Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Catching up with our very belated thanks

Everyone has been extremely busy lately that we haven’t had time to update our blog for the longest time. And we’re extremely sorry for putting hold  all these belated Thanks =)

To anyone we might miss. we’re mighty sorry but please rest assured that we really truly appreciate and are extremely grateful for your kind contribution >_<

Thank you 3

Thank you others

Thank you Joe

Thank you 4

Bunny, the guide cat for his canine friend

Besides MDDB, FFF, SAS, PAWS, SPCA and various other non-profit organization that has done so much in helping the strays and educate public on the importance of spaying, MyAnimalCare is another non-profit that have my awe and respect for their admirable dedication in promoting CNRM (Catch Neuter Rehome/Return Manage).

I am especially touched by the post on Bunny the guide cat. which is a true story based on Kah Yein’s (the co-founder of MyAnimalCare) own rescued cat.



Bunny the cat is FIV+, but despite his sickness, he is the ever reliable guide-cat for Bobby, whose both eyes are already cataracted and almost blind.





mini-Bobby nudging Bunny

Little Bunny, when still a kitten, was looked after by the loving Bobby.

Please do visit here to read the full story and be inspired =)



Monday, December 27, 2010

A Belated X’mas Greeting from………


                                                 ……………………………   Sheera!

IMG0020A (3)

Thank You Sheera  and  hope you had a wonderful time during Christmas with your family.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Letter to Santa! -- by Johann, the dog.

Dear Santa,
I wanted to write you to tell you, you see,That Gracie and I are grateful pups, she and me।We love our life, friends and kitty bros,We consider them part of our pack, and so,What do I ask you for Christmas this year?Well, I have a list that's near and dear.

I'd like for all pups needing a home,To find a family and not need to roam।I wish for all those scared, cold and hungry,To be safe, warm and have a nice full tummy।My hope is for all pets with no family,To have one of their own, like me, finally.

For those afraid of some of us pups,I'd like them to learn and shed their prejudice,Realize that when they label us bad,It's not always us, and it's very sad.Help folks realize that breed doesn't matter,It's the people that raise them, not all the chatter.Help all the children to learn how to be,Aware of how to love us, it's really key,For great friendships with us all of their lives,They need to understand us, so together we'll thrive.

Help their parents teach them how and to know,The best ways to be with us, as we both grow.And to those that keep way too many of us,Let them know they aren't helping, they need to adjust.They're making things worse, that's all they're doing,They continue and continue, their constant pursuing.We get hungry, angry, sick and can't thrive,In conditions where we barely survive.

Watch over the pups who help humans each day,That guide, search and rescue and calm those at bay.The work that they do is very admired,They save lives and help with skills they've acquired.Please give them a special treat in their stocking,And send them some love when you come a knocking.

For pups that are sick, please help them get well,We'd be lost without them, we're under their spell.And if they are old and it's time to go,Help them make the transition, don't make it slow.And help those who have lost their very best friend,Comfort them and share, they'll see them again.

Can you tell folks who are way too mean,That hurt us, scare us, and keep us too lean,That they need some help to understand,We can be their best friend, always at hand.We'll love, admire and be more than expected,If only we're loved and highly respected.

Another request that we have for rover,Is to stop those who breed us over and over.It's cruel and sad for pups to live that way,They rarely get care and can never play.We want to end horrific places like this,Where only a fat wallet concern exists.

Help people understand, that whenever, and ifTheir pup is bad, and starts getting in a riff,That the pup needs a job, just like all of them,To be the best they can be, a shining gem.Training and working is what helps us behave,It stimulates our mind, it's what we crave.

Please help those who think fighting us is fun,It's heartless, horrible and something to shun.While robbing us all of a wonderful life,The pain and cruelty cuts like a knife.Share info with all, tall and small,We're pets to be loved, not to brawl.

I ask that you pay particular attention,Give a pat on the back and a special mention,To all the folks who rescue and shelter,They care and feed and find us an adopter,Over and over, they never think twice,They give so much, to be very precise.

That's all I ask for my Christmas gift,For you to bring these on your evening shift.Thanks, Santa for listening, it's wonderful to know,That you grant all our wishes and continue to bestow.We wish you and everyone a great holiday,With peace and love - it's the only way.

*In 2005, I was rescued by the Southside Animal Shelter from a life on the streets. Just a few weeks later my Mum found me and took me home. I am one of the lucky ones, because now I have a wonderful family and a wonderful life.
But not all pups are as lucky as I. Some are still waiting for their forever home, some live their lives in horrific conditions with little to no chance of being saved, some are even made to fight for the entertainment of cruel individuals, some are neglected, scared and lonely.
This Holiday season, think about the pups that need your help and do what you can do to help them. They will be forever grateful!

Yard Puppies Again!


It looks like they will be the last batch in the yard. Oh,Not that the females here will be spayed, BUT this area is geared for development!

Really wonder where these dogs will go to as they are still unapproachable inspite of feeding them daily for the past 3months.Thanks to the hardware shop owner who just dumped them here to guard his goods!

These puppies cannot wait any longer but are up for adoption.


browncream    white

If you are interested to adopt or foster please contact Fan 012-2052906.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Updates from Oasis

Oasis inspecting her surrounding

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Hello everyone,   
Just to share with you, Oasis caught a mouse last night!! Walaoeh!  :)
She was so busy on chasing mouse in the garden 2 days back and
finally we found she caught it 5am sth this morning. Ya, our garden
was full of her barks in the early morning.
Some new pic about her life to share with you too. Enjoy ya  ^_*

Yucky Oasis!

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The Happy Mugged Face

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After a long tiring exciting day, this mugged face Oasis adjusting herself before taking a rest.

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                                                                                          Oooopphhs!  Caught  not doing my duty!

Veronica thanks for sharing these interesting pictures with us. This inquisitive Oasis sure have kept you very busy  and Thank You for  giving her a home,

Friday, December 17, 2010


On behalf of us, Dou Dou would like to Thank Ms Mary for her generous donation.

Dou Dou's appology to Aunty Mary

Monday, December 13, 2010

Dou Dou Has His Day!!


Ever wonder what has happened to him?

We have kept our fingers crossed that he will not be returned.

I was fostering him for 3days 2 nights and I give up! Sorry Vivienne. It was too stressful to foster him as he is an attention seeker and I obviously cannot give him the attention he craves for. He was noisy and possessive in my house.( Can’t blame him as he was abandoned). Sending him to the shed was our last resort, but really, it has done him good. He did not get the attention he needs and his pompousness was not tolerated by other furrizens in the shed and most importantly he learn to socialize.

Its already 1 1/2months since he was adopted. To our surprise, Mdm Tang who adopted him said he was not noisy at all. After visiting him, we understand why he was not noisy. He is TOO TIRED to bark unnecessary. He gets to run with Mdm Tang’s kids in the playground opposite their house daily! Its a dream come true for Dou Dou. He even has an elderly 2 legged companion who will snapped at him if he tries to be pompous!

DSC07431 House visit by Gim,Vien and Aaron  with Mdm Tang,Dou2 and Mdm Tang’s Kid.DSC07428

Aaron our youngest volunteer who used to take Dou Dou for walks misses him.

Aaron, don’t be sad. Dou Dou will never forget you.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Know Who he is?

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He is one of those new pups we never get to know. Sad huh? We have so many pups till we have no time to know them. He is named Snoopy by adopter Christine.

PB260543 PB260545

2 weeks later when I visited him again,he squealed with fright and ran to the corner of the door entrance. Well I know he has gone to a good home but kinda disappointed that he did not wag his tail on seeing me like what other furrizens did when I visited them.

We have so many puppies to rehome these days till we really lost the personal touch we used to have with them. On the hindsight he is lucky to find a home unlike 4 of his siblings who subsequently succumbed to the virus in the shed recently.

Christine Thanks for giving Little Snoopy a home!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

She will be Missed….

Remember 3 of Tri Tri’s pups who rocked all their way to their new home in Port Dickson last November 2009?

We received a call this evening. Brown Brown has left Mr Bala and family last evening. The vet was called in the night before to save her but in vain. They suspected that she might have taken some rat poison found on the beach she was playing on.Her departure is deeply missed and forever cherished by Mr Daniel & Mr Bala & family. May she rest in peace.