
Monday, May 31, 2010

Our First Appeal For Marisa

Marisa love

Marisa, is currently under treatment by Dr Edmund Yeoh in Puchong. She was recently diagnosed with severe tick fever and the virus has attacked her nerve system. She has weak legs and cannot walk on her own. She fitted once last week for 2 minutes. Her head somehow tilted towards right side, Dr Lui said the lesion may be at her left brain.

According to Dr Edmund, medical treatment may not be able to help her anymore coz her nerve system has been affected.

DSC00062She could not lift up her head to eat

DSC00067Her head is tilted to her right

We do not know how long she is going to be like this but we would like to treat her with acupuncture and we do not know how many session she will need.

We currently still have 40dogs in our shed in Old Klang Road and as we are only a small rescue team consisting of a few animal lovers who believes that animals deserve to be given a second chance to have a better life and be treated with respect ,dignity, love and kindness, we would like to set up a funds separately to treat Marisa.

camera pictures 036In the vet for treating he cut paw in Mar 2010

Lydia & pups1 (3)When we first saw her all chained up in an orphanage in Jan2010

This would be our first time in appealing to those who would like to help in treating our unfortunate furry friends. We do hope that you can give us a helping hand to help the stray animals we rescue.

If you'd like to chip into our funds specially for Marisa, our account’s details are as follows:


MBB Account No. 112857033831

Please understand that we are not a registered society, so we do not have a corporate account.

Do follow-up with an email to so that we can record your donation and thank you.

Furry Angels Up for Adoption - Cherry & Berry

More pix of Cherry & Berry at the vet. They just gotten their first jab on last Sunday.

These 2 chubbies have put on so much weight.

Many thanks to Vien & the fosterer!

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Looking for furry angels?
Please call
Vivien at 012-2521562

Canine Angels

Angels have no philosophy but love.
~ Adeline Cullen Ray

This is actually a video clip taken in ChengDu, China.

In the last bit of the clip, the lady was actually trying to feed the brown dog with sausage & also water. The brown dog bit the sausage & sip water and trying very hard to feed the motionless white dog.


Touching moment in a freeway of Santiago of Chile, when a dog is Knocked down by a car......... and his dog partner try to save him of the traffic.

Cherry and Berry is up for adoption

Vivien updated us on the latest status of her 2 rescued babies.

"Hi all, Good morning ^^Little Berry & Cherry have grown up so much bigger and stronger now hope will find them a loving home soon... Vien."

If you are interested to provide a loving home for these 2 pups, please call Vivien at 012-2521562

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Have a Heart for our Homeless Furry Friends

We never knew rescue work could be so heart breaking. When we started to help, we were so ignorant of what can happen to our furry friends. We were so inexperience as we only have our pets to care for previously. Our pets normally do not give us much problems in terms of health. Even if they do, we could take care of them well as they are always by our side. Its not so for our homeless furry friends. They are exposed to so much of uncertainties and external treats which come charging at them with no mercy.

There are times when we feel like giving up, but, if we do there will be less people to care for them.Looking at them again, we need to carry on….

DSC00064Our beloved and playful Marisa still in the vet could not even lift up her head to eat. She has severe tick fever which we don’t even realized until she refused to eat completely and collapsed while standing.


ET passed away on Friday evening. She refused to eat, tested distemper negative no bloody stool but vomited slight blood before she left us. We suspect that she could be poisoned.May she rest in peace.


Miraculously Ah Boy is running around .He has put on weight. We thought he left us one morning when we could not find him for a day. He was skin and bones then. Aunty Kiew has been giving him massage whenever possible. We have been giving him all we could think of to boost his immunity .

P4260367Dangdut looking helplessly at her mother Ah Wong crying in pain.

We are clueless as to why Dangdut left us. She was well but apparently she has parvo. Yes, she is more than 2years old and yet she still have parvo. May she and Ah Wong rest in peace.

We just pray we will not learn the hard way at our furry friends expense. These furry friends have such a short life span here and yet they have to endure with so much unfriendly factors against them.

Please pray that all homeless furry friends will not suffer, send positive vibes for those who are not well.

When It’s Time to Say Goodbye

Baby ET

Someone abandoned ET when she was a lil pup & left her with Aunty Kiew.
Aunty Kiew renamed her ET as she had relatively big belly which resembled the look of an ET (Alien).

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Sending ET off for cremation… =(

Dear ET,

We really hope you had a good time with us. We hope you enjoyed the company of all other puppies at the shed and we are sure all other puppies loved playing with you.

We still remember you being a big bully & greedy and always finished the puppy’s food.
We still remember you hid under the shelf in the puppy shed during thunderstorm.
We still remember how you loved playing with the puppies as we know you were very much a puppy at heart.

“There are things that we don’t want to happen but have to accept,
things we don’t want to know but have to learn,
and those we can’t live without but have to let go.”

Good bye dear ET. Maybe part of loving is learning to let go. We love you loads but we really, really not willing to let you go. We know you gonna have a blast over the rainbow bridge! Take care!


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Jilly went home with Mea

Image009 This is Natasha Mea. Isn’t she pretty?

She has this bonding with animals. She played,patted and hugged all our doggies in the shed when she came last Sunday and finally Jilly was chosen by her.


Mae feeling happy and pleased with clueless Jilly renamed Whitney going home.

Email from Mae’s daddy, Kavin,

Uh huh, yes, we renamed her Whitney. She still doesn’t realize it’s her name but of course, it’s been only 2 days

Some updates…

1) Her stool is still mushy but there this morning’s had more solid portions so it looks like stool-wise, she’s improving.

2) Yes, she whines whenever she thinks she’s alone. We’re having her sleep with us in our bedroom and she does want attention in the wee hours of the morning.

3) My daughter Mea is quite affectionate with Whitney so that’s pretty great too.(We can see that when she was in the shed)

Do feel free to drop by for a visit. Preferably on the weekends, late mornings or early noon.

Thanks Kavin , for the updates and for giving Whitney a chance to be loved,cared and a home.Adopting  a puppy is like having a new baby in the family.We need to give her time to adjust in her new home and to understand that you all are her new family members now. Off course your family too need to adjust your daily routines  with a new family member otherwise having a new puppy will be a chore.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

10 Promises to My Dog

The is the trailer from a Japanese Movie, “10 Promises to My Dog”

1. Give me time to understand what you want of me.

Adoption Sara
2. Place your trust in me. It's crucial to my well-being.

3. Be aware that however you treat me I'll never forget it.

4. Before you scold me for being lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me.

P1020482 P1020498

5. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when it's speaking to me.

6. Remember before you hit me, I have teeth that could hurt you, but that I choose not to hurt you.

7. Take care of me when I get old.

8. You have your work, your entertainment, and your friends. I have only you.


9. My life is likely to last 10 to 15 years. Any separation from you will be painful for me.

10.Go with me on difficult journeys. Everything is easier for me if you are there. Remember I love you...

gumball1 (1)  furball1 Lydia & pups1 (18) Lydia & pups1 (8)