Ever wonder how we work ? We volunteers here have not at one time sit together and get to know each other! We are here in and out the shed at different times.Oh we sometimes do meet each other and its always a ‘Hi and Bye!’
The wonder of Technology has really connected us together. As we have our own individual daily obligations to attend to we rely a lot of the internet and sms to communicate.We are all from different part of the city and it was the net that brought us together. The net to0 help us to save lifes by posting the plight we would like to help,the dogs that need a home and to get the help from others.
We are also very amazed on how we worked together.We did what each of us feel need to be done. There is no squabbles and no quarells but an ultimate aim to ease the surfferings of this poor animals.
To whoever have created this wonder, we Thank you.
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