Sam, volunteer for Aunty kiew, is also a rescuer. She needs help to get her rescued dog, Belle, up for adoption. Here is what she wrote:
"This cute lil puppy is up for adoption!
I saw her at the vet & thought that she looks like BOLT. Trust me, she really looks like smaller-eyes-version Bolt. This lousy pic of her doesnt justify how cute she is!
My friend had adopted her for nearly 2 months. He gave up on her due to her extremely submissive nature. She does well with other dogs but not so much with human. This is because she used to be a stray puppy before someone picked her up & sent her to the vet. My friend is not a patient owner. He doesnt like the fact that she runs away everytime we go near her. She loves eating & will only come to you when you have food. Although she is a very submissive dog, she still greets us when we come back from work. At the moment, she is a dog's dog & not so much of people's dog. She doesnt bark much unless she is playing with other dogs. She gets along very well with one of my mongrel pet dog. So i assume that she has no problem getting along with other dogs.
Please bear in mind that she is not a people's dog as she was a stray previously. I m looking for a very patient & loving owner who is willing to spend time with her & take care of her so that she is not reluctant to interact with human being. Pls do not give up on her due to her submissive nature. I believe that she will eventually gain more confidence & be a really good companaion! "
Please contact Sam at 012-2900215
P/S : Some update from Sam:
"I visited her at the vet today & paid for her 3rd jab. She is still as cute as ever. Did I mention that she has relatively big paws & moo-moo cow tummy. She is growing slightly bigger before i sent her to the vet. I have asked those nurses in the clinic what's gonna happen to her if no one adopt sher. They did not give me an answer....So pls pls pls, provide a loving home to this cutie =)"
Well, Sam we sincerely hope someone out there will provide her a home and build her confidence. She just needs TIME.
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