2009 is ending but our rescue work don't seem to be ending. It looks like our work has brought us to a different level of rescue. Now we are not only helping to spay the resident and rescued dogs and rehoming them. Our work have extended to learn more about the types of food that are good for them, medication for arresting different sickness and viruses, learning about the health problems that strays face,raising funds,getting to know more people who are passionate about caring for these unfortunate, and ……and… its endless and we still have lots to learn. Thanks to all who have supported and taught us a thing or two in this rescue effort.
Have to admit we are so drained and exhausted BUT we can’t stop. As 2009 is coming to an end we truly wish there will be less rescue work(not to say we do not want to help anymore but hoping that there are less unfortunate to rescue) and more caring humans out there to help save these strays.
We would like wish our readers a Happy 2010 New Year and may there be Less homeless and helpless around!
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