Let me introduce you to our little Frosty. Frosty is the adorable pup of our temple. He will be the first to greet us when we arrive. He will try to see what you have brought for the doggies in the temple. Well, he is actually looking at what you brought for them to EAT. Yes, fooood….. is all he can think of and that explain why he is so chubby.We actually have to lock him in the cage at times when we feed the smaller pups otherwise he will find his way to their food. He is not bother whether the food is for the bigger or smaller doggies. He will just want to be the first to taste it. That’s him and we adore him.
After every meal, you will find him snoozing …….away……or playing by himself. He is really a heart stealer,very independent and lovable. We hope that he will be able to find an owner who is able to shower him with undivided attention and guide him to be a good companion. Oh Yes, control his eating too…
Finding a good position to snooze after foooooddd…..
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