Down to our memory lane... not too long after Aunty Kiew rescued the 12 little soldiers (in early September), she spotted 3 slightly bigger sister pups loittering in the Old Klang Road market looking for food. They were about 4 months old. See the pictures, they are lovely, isn't it? Mind you they were all still with their collars on, so we strongly believe they were dumped by their owner too. Mrs Lai has named them Sisi, Thong Thong and Num Num... hei..I know you must be wondering why such a unique names and what does it mean...read in cantonese "West West, East East and South South"...haha, so cute!!
After Aunty Kiew took them back to the temple, little did we realized that they were parvo virus carriers. Due to the limited space we have and the little knowledge we equipped about disease problem, we were not aware of the problem until Thong Thong and Num Num fall sick very badly. Sisi too was not feeling very well then. So, kind Mrs Lai sent them all to vet for check up. Our worst fear came...and this is not very good news...it was a Saturday back then, so all of them were "hospitalised".
There was no doctor on the following Sunday, Mrs Lai visited them in the clinic on the Sunday morning itself. It was so sad that Thong Thong and Num Num did not make it. Sisi was still able to wag her tail when she see Mrs Lai even though she was very ill. After staying in the clinic for about 2 weeks, (thanks to Mrs Lai who has kindly foot the bill), Mrs Lai took Sisi back to her home for fostering. Sisi has a limping hind leg. Sisi however managed to recover pretty fast and her leg was back to normal.
In the month of early November, after full recovery, Fan managed to find an adopter for Sisi, Sisi was then sent to Johor Baru to be in her new home. Sisi was renamed Pretty.
Below is the latest update we received from her adopter:
"sorry for the late reply. i juz got my internet connections fixed....now sisi's name is changed to pretty....she is doin very good now...she even listen to us very well...if we ask her to sit,she will sit...if we ask her to shake hands, she shake hands...if we ask her to lay down, she will lay down...she doesnt eat if we feed her by right hand, she only eats if left hand is used...i trained her this way is because i don't want her to take food from strangers...i'm trying to send the pics to u but its taking very long to upload. i'll try to send the pics to u by next week.
thank you n keep in touch. Take care aunty Fan"
Thank you Mrs Lai, Fan and the adopter of Sisi/Pretty who has helped giving this little pup a new lease of life and of course our dear animal saviour Aunty Kiew, who has sacrificed so much for the loving animals... We miss you Dear Thong Thong and Num Num...we will not forget you 2. May you 2 be rest in peace.
(This article may come a little late for Thong Thong and Num Num as we are sharing our best efforts with our limited resources in rescuing more voiceless and defenceless animals on the street, please come and join us should you feel the urge and we hope we are able to spread our "wings" to help more abandoned and homeless animals...)
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