Dear friends, remember about Aunty Kiew's rescue in September, the 12 little soliders?? Here is the 11th soldier, finally been adopted!! Thanks to our dear Fan for sourcing hard enough to find her a good home. Below is the update from the adopter's friend, Vivienne,who is helping Wai Loong a first time pet owner,to care for little Paris and we appreciate very much of his kind and loving home he offered to Paris, which has now renamed Caleb!!
"hi aunty fan, my sem break during december but will not be in malaysia, visiting my dad at indo...i'll try asking see who can foster them...according to wai loong, Caleb did cry during the night for the first 2 days but now he is ok...today we bought him new collar and bones, he loves them and kept playing with it...we oso buy shampoo, water bowl and perfume for Caleb...he didn't shit and we took him to the vet...but the vet says it is ok as they try to adapt new environment...we also teach him tricks but needed some times for him to fully empower it...i miss caleb too.... here's the picture of wai loong and caleb attached... BR, vivienne "
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