
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Woof Woof to SAS


We would like to Thank Save A Stray (SAS) headed by Jacqueline Tsang for sharing her kibbles with us.Our path was made smoother as none of us were able to cook rice for our furry friends like Aunty Kiew during her absence and it would burn a big hole in our pocket too to feed solely on kibbles.

The whole episode of the Municipal coming made us very stressed and tensed but we know that in times of need there are people around who are willing to help not only us but our furry friends. We truly hope more will come forward to lend us a hand as our future is still very Blur and Uncertain.

Help in any form is never enough, may it be morally or physically.If you would like to support us please call Sam at 012-2900215 or Fan at 012-2052906.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Our pups and dogs are back . Thanks to all those who have helped us in times of need.

P3080188To the Prawn Pond Manager who allowed us to house all our mama dogs and their pups

Kim, for taking care of Macy and Chrissy in her dad’s house. We know your dad was complaining, but you did a good job in pacifying him. Hope Chrissy did not help to harvest his crops in his vegetable farm.

camera pictures 022 Rena for the cheeky Leena, though you already have 4 of your own.(She can be your property if you are not returning her to us by this weekend.:)) hee,hee,hee…. cos we know you will treat her well.


Apple & Xuan,sorry your parents were not too happy. Luckily Mickey and Tigger are good pups.

Gim,woof,woof we know Kara was your sleeping partner for the week! Ha, ha ha….

Eileen for getting a fosterer for the 3 seasons. They are still very happy running there.

Janice for keeping Peanut and last but not least our Thai neighbour for keeping Jimi White and Sulise for 2 nights.

We certainly hope all of them will be rehomed the soonest and do not have to trouble others. Wish Us Luck!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

If You Care

With the fear of eviction from the Councils, most of our pups and dogs are fostered out. The two lucky ones who stole Mun Mun’s and Yan Yan’s heart after fostering them are Manda and Lei Lei. Their whole family adores the two of them and decided to keep them for good!


Mun Mun and Yan Yan having a fun time with the furry friends in the evening

P2120052 Gentle Manda

Adventurous Lei Lei

Lei Lei was found to be the mischievous one, but they are not giving up on her. She does her business in their room and helps in Gardening!

They are now considered as one of the family member and will be going back to their hometown in Kedah for Cheng Beng (Chinese’s All Souls’ Day)!

They have even make an appointment to spay Manda.

What a Happy Ending for these two lucky furry friends.

Well, we believe that if you are willing to give them a chance each and every dog will definitely melt your heart even though they are no longer a puppy.

Updates that Brighten our day

Jacky-From Kathryn

Image002 (2)May Jenn and Jacky

Image003 (2) The one ear up and one ear down Jacky boy

Hi,Sorry for late reply as are exams just over. Now jacky ears one up one down .Very very active and the teeth is mega sharp :O already give vaccination last week .Bought alot of chewy stuff for him to chew .Always like to dig soil so we bought a dog repellent to put in the soil we also did that for the cat . They still not friends yet ,My cat is very fierce jacky is very friendly . How are the other dogs in the shelter ?I read ur website and it seems like alot of people is adopting them :D Please let me know if you receive my video and pictures.
Keep in touch and god bless

Husky – from David

P1030267 IMG_1601

Husky getting a tummy rub

We did not rename him and see how he is pampered and grown quite big since then

Chili – from Angie

P3090238 Chili – the friendly and fun loving pup

We have named Yumiko, Chili. She is doing really well and getting along very well with our kids and our other 3 dogs (even the big ones). Unfortunately, I have no photos as yet to send you but Chili seems really happy and we are really pleased with her.

Updates like above does leaves us happy………

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Going home to the Rainbow Bridge

P3190456 Mun Mun held this little one and discovered that her feet was missing

Mun Mun as usual will come in the evening to play with the pups. She asked us see one of the little new chubby puppy of Puchong.’s, the mummy dog we rescued from Puchong pound. She screamed , “Why no feet!” That was a week ago.


Now she gets to run around & play together with the other furry friends all over the Rainbow Bridge

Since then, Sam has been doing her homework. Checking around what need to be done when she gets older, what to feed her and what special nutrition she will need. Thanks to two 3legged owners, Lynnie and Rena for enlightening us on what is expected to care for such pets. Basically they are normal but since she is so young , and we been first timer are kinda of worried.

Sadly,she went to the Rainbow Bridge last evening.

Subang (another mother whom we rescued too) mistakenly went into Puchong’s cage. Realizing that the pups were not hers, bit this little one……..sob,sob…..little one we are very sorry for not been able to save you…….sob,sob……P3270486

Puchong could not understand why her pup was brought out from the cage

Friday, March 26, 2010

Aunties, dun leave me out, I found my mama too...

Little Dephne is only about 4 weeks old. Her mama stays behind the bushes where aunty Kiew's apartment is located. We could not find her mama after she delievered to a litter of 3. Aunty Kiew took them back to foster at her house. Her siblings has been adopted by Raymond from Kajang.

Amie came to our shed to look for a puppy to be a companion to her existing dogs.

She saw Dephne and immediately fall in love with her.

Here the little Daphne with Amie, they really look like mother and daughter, ya?? It is good to see another pup found her new home...

Daphne will definitely shower Amie with lot of love!! Thank you for giving her a new loving home.

We make a Difference if …… We Choose!

“ There are so many Strays on the streets. How many can you save?” – This is what we always hear but we believe we make a Difference if .…We Choose

Starfish USA, SeaWorld San Diego California,

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a figure in the distance.As he got closer, he realized that the figure was that of a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing a starfish into the ocean. The sun is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said,don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t possibly make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down,picked up another starfish, and threw it into the surf.

Then, smiling at the man, he said,“I made a difference for that one.”

Adapted From “The Star Thrower” by Loren Eisely

Thursday, March 25, 2010

For Adoption


All they ask for is the most basic shelter,food and water,and in return they give us unbounded,unflinching affection.

From Daily Mail-February 18,2003

Jimmy White is approx 1~2 yr old.

Good natured dog weighs around 12kg. Has shiny white coat & a pair of soulful grey eyes. Obedient & understands the command "Come".

He is grass-trained i.e. does his business on grass only .

Boy Boy has his Day too!


Boy Boy

1-2years old then in 2008

Believed to be abandoned as he understands the command “sit” and ‘come’

Fierce and aggressive

He has joined a mother dog named Cookie,another abandoned dog outside a vacant house and where they had been fed for 6mths. Yes, 6mths only before the faithful day arrived.

Cookie gave birth to a litter of 4 pups and Boy Boy was very protective (Don’t think he is protective of her as Cookie don’t seem to like him. Cookie was a mother figure to him). He will growled at whoever walked pass the house.

Their Faithful Day arrived,after Boy Boy tried to attack a morning jogger who was holding a walking stick.

They were caught by the Municipal ,long story short,they were claimed from the Municipal to rescuer’s house with the help of a friend. Things were not smooth as Boy Boy was fierce and defensive. They were fostered in a home all 6 of them, but Boy Boy growled and snarled at owner of the house .With the help of the friend again he was taken to an abandoned house in town, all chained up .It was believed that he was attacked at night by drug addicts ,as he was found limping the next day.

Desperate not knowing what to do, SPCA was the last resort. Nobody really dared to adopt him due to his aggressive nature.

There must have been a Guardian Angel around. Boy Boy was reluctantly adopted by fosterer’s sister who already have 2 noisy and fussy dogs.


Getting his daily pat and massage

BoyBoy has bitten her 4 times!!!!

Boy Boy, Boy Boy, don’t you realise how lucky you are ??? Instead of giving up on him for biting adopter, the family reasoned out why he bites and take precautionary measures from been bitten again. After a year now, though Boy Boy is still aggressive in nature he is learning not to bite when touched unexpectedly. Lastly he is loved to bits as they found him to be very intelligent and loving.

P2150084 See what they did to their front gate from inside of the house to prevent Boy Boy having a good vision of people walking outside.This will reduce unnecessary noise from Boy Boy.Naughty Boy Boy w ill even pee at the gate too and that explained the plastic sheets at the bottom of the gate.


Boy Boy used to hide behind the plants outside this house on rainy days

IF only more is willing to share their time and love for the older dogs and give them a Second Chance,they will prove to be just as lovable as a puppy too.

Well if you would like to share your rescue story with the readers please write to us.

PS: Cookie was put to sleep.To rescuer’s knowledge 2 puppies died, 1 survived after adoption and the fate of the last one is uncertain

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Updates that Brighten us


Update from Crystal’s daddy renamed Tuffi rescued from PAW .

21 Jan - "today I will apply for her license. She is apprx 3 yrs old according to the vet and weighs 19 kg"

23 Feb " I notice she is less timid and walks faster now. Go jogging most of the time. I think she is slimmer now"

According to Mr Kuan, Tuffi is eating some rice specifically bought for dogs and that can help improve bladder etc it can also lower cholesterol. From her photos, Her master's special sliming & diet programs work very well. She is so beautiful & healthy looking now.

Another message from Mr Kuan " I hv more photos of Tuffi,one of which has become wallpaper of my mobile.Hope u like them".

Thanks to Mr Kuan & his family.We feel great that an abandoned pet is given a second chance!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thank You


We would like to Thank those who have supported us by giving our rescued furry friends a Home, Darshini and Suraj for your kind donation.

We are also very happy to say, in times like this when we desperately need help we found that we are not alone.To all the unsung heroes behind Thank You too.We are really very glad that we can work together. Being humans we have our limitations and differences but whatever it is our ultimate motive is still the same, TO HELP THE VOICELESS,HELPLESS and HOMELESS 4 Leggeds friends.

We truly hope more will come forward to join us.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Practising What We Preach

P3220475 Innocently oblivious where she was taken to.

P3220476Did not give us this smile the minute he was caged in the clinic.

P3220474Refused to look at us when we want to carry them out from the car

We need to practise what we preach……..

Marisa, Shyla, Scrabby and unhappy Rocky were sent for spaying and neutering…and THANKS to Rena for arranging this and making our path so much smoother.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Going Home Week

P3160419 Sharmila will sure be a good mummy to Cutie Pie. Cutie Pie is a real tough puppy,she barks at Sharmila’s dad when she is not pleased. For a small puppy like her, she knows what she wants.Yes she was barking at fosterer’s daughter when disturbed


Cutie Pie and Sharmila snuggling each other before leaving for home.


Yumiko has her day. She will also have a few furry friends and Angie’s animal loving kids to play with. Yumiko’s beautiful velvety coat is a sure attraction to her new daddy and mummy. Angie you will not regret picking her, she will surely bring bundles of joy and laughter not only to your kids but to every member in your family including the other furry friends.

Yumiko Thanking mummy for bringing her home

P3190453Big hug for mummy


Cici too finally going home with the Ngs. Uncle Ng, Cici does posses the quality you are looking for. We will surely miss her smart and dominating presence.

She is really an angel with we humans. Very obedient and loving.


Uncle Ng decided to carry Cici on his lap on their way home and Cici obviously loves it.



Ah Ha! Danson finally found a pet to call his own. He has a pet dog at home but its his mum’s. He wanted Softball. We told him where Softball was found and what was our requirement to adopt him. Danson understand our plight.Lucky Softball to find an understanding ‘daddy’.Danson, Softball will surely give you his Heart!




Sam teaching the first timer owner of a pet how to carry a pup


Our designer coat, Jerry and new master flashing their smile at us


'Our little cute chubby puppy is going home too after a week here. We won't hold her back if somebody is ready to give her a good home. Fat-Fat as she is named by us looks happy.





I am sure Darryl is smitten by her gentleness and beauty.Don’t worry Rachael, she is intelligent enough to know she can not take your place but will add to both of your happiness. 



Yes this is our Little ET ,renamed Lily.She too get to go home.Aunty is kinda of worried why she is very quiet.Well, who wouldn’t be  quiet after so many months roaming around  freely with so many 4 legged friends and now confined in a clean environment called Home with only 2 legged companions?


Aunty decided to carry Lily herself








Feeling pleased after putting Lily safely in the car

PS: Aunty does not believe in spaying initially but after talking to her, showing her what difficulties and problems we face, she kept quiet (Sssh..she does not want to support us openly that spaying is still good for everyone but  we believed that  she is beginning to understand our plight when she  donated generously from  the purse she was carrying)

Sms rec on 23rd Mar 10 : She is much better today but does not bark. We call her Lily.She loves meat and not bisquit-verygood appetite.

When It Is Raining Cats & Dogs....

What do you do when it is raining cats & dogs?

Woflie: I prefer being a snugglebug in the basket...

Wolfie: Aunties, am I too big for this basket?
Wolfie: Or is this basket a tad too tiny for me?

Wolfie: Nolar... I think this basket is just nice for me.
Wolfie is a gorgeous spitz collie cross. She was rescued by a kind soul after giving birth to a litter of pups. She is friendly and smart, with a gentle temperament and very affectionate with humans. Likely to be a lost or abandoned pet. Wolfie has been spayed. Please open your home and heart to Wolfie and give her the love that she deserves.

Making Our Existence Known

P3180441 The students playing with the pups

P3180446Scrabby get to be pampered by Krystal

All of us were ve ry busy for the past week and we were too tired to blog on what we did for the day. We were all working very hard to find good homes for our furry friends.

We were asked to bring some pups to HELP University’ College’s for their event on Animal Rights Awareness day.Though no puppies were adopted our existence and presence were made known . One of the student came to our shed to adopt one of our four season pups.