Crystal is a stray dog who had been feeding by Kim's friend in PJ. She has been spayed. However she was caught by dog cathcer team and landed in PAWS. Kim's friend sought for help and Aunty Kiew kindly agreed to take Crystal in. So Kim and her friend went to PAWS to retrieve her back from hell.
According to Kim, many household had been feeding Crystal all this while, no wonder she is so so prosperous!! We all aunties here nick named her "fat lady". Crystal is very sweet in nature and her only habit is to eat, eat and eat, then vomit all what she eats.
As you all know, all doggies staying in the shed here are well-fed by Aunty Kiew. Poor Crytsal, Kim said she wants her to be on diet. Oh, Yes, we all agree too, she definitely needs to cut down her weight and do a lil bit more of exercise!!
If you are free, please come forward to help walk the doggies here, they would love your company!! We hope we would be able to find Crystal a loving home too. By the way, Crystal is about 5 years old, she is suitable to be a companion dog.
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