*This post is dedicated to the best rescued dog ever – Mr. Sean Black*
The day we picked up Sean…

He was crossing a busy road when we saw him. He was wearing a long leash. I asked my boyfriend whether we could help this poor dog by removing his leash. So we quickly rushed home to get some dog kibbles to feed him. When I was trying to move closer to this black dog, oh my, have just realized he is quite a big-boned dog. Surprisingly, he was friendly and playful. He came close and took the kibbles from my hand.
This is a big step. When a stray / lost dog takes kibbles / food from my hand, indicates that the dog actually trust us. When he moved closer to us, I was trying to pat his back and neck. I was so nervous and afraid that he might bite me. I had bad experience with male dogs since I started the doggy rescue work. Male dogs in general are more aggressive than the females. Male dogs in the shelter tend to fight a lot. Even my 2 male dogs fought a lot when I just adopted them.
The big guy was so gentle and friendly. I decided to walk him around the neighbourhood and see whether he remember his way home. He was so excited and happily holding the leash in his mouth when I walk him. When I pat him on his back, I found out that he had gazillions of ticks and fleas. I mean gazillions!!!
The picture doesn’t justify the amount of ticks and fleas he had!!
I was wondering did the owner purposely abandon him or was he a lost dog? Looking at the number of ticks he had, we were very certain that this boy was treated poorly by his owner. We then decided to foster him for a night and bring him to do a blood test to check whether he was infected by tick fever. **Later we found out that he actually belongs to a gas shop owner. The children used to abuse him by kicking him or hitting him.**
The first night we foster him… He was puzzled why we left him alone in the kitchen…
We renamed him Sean Black as my bf’s good friend (Sean) is black.
We bathed him with Bayticol before sending him to the vet…
Happily hopping into my car & off to the vet!
Never judge a book by its cover….
He looks ferocious but he is indeed very loyal and friendly
Initially, we couldn’t foster him as we have 3 dogs at home & the two male dogs will never get along with other males. So we decided to put him at the shelter while looking for adopter. Aunty Kiew was kind enough to take Sean in despite the shelter being over-populated with abandoned pups & dogs. Few weeks being in the shelter, he had really bad cough and running nose.
Shelter is never a good place for dogs as shelter is always too packed with dogs and pups, full of viruses and sickness. We as rescuers only house our rescued dogs in the shelter when we have no other choice. The vets are not willing to take in a dog which came from a shelter, with kennel cough (and suspected distemper), with ticks (suspected tick fever). So we housed him temporarily at a vacant house. We resorted to travel to the place twice a day to feed him and walk him.
A week after fostering him, Sean has recovered from his kennel cough. He has shiny coat & put on some weight. He was healthier and happier as compared to when I housed him in the dog shelter.

He waits for us to visit him everyday to feed him. walk him and spend some time to play with him.

He loves playing tug-a-war with me after the weekly shower
Guess what is he looking at?

He even has a pretty labrador girlfriend who stays next door! >_<
There are a number of callers asking for him. I have even rehomed him to Ipoh. However, the adopter has no patience with an adult dog. He wanted to return him just 2 days after adopting him. So a week after I sent him to Ipoh, I travelled to Ipoh to pick him up again.
More than 3 months fostering him….
This young chap, Ryan from Kuala Terengganu called and wanted to view Sean. They clicked right away. The next day Sean was off to Kuala Terangganu.
** Look at the sad girlfriend in the background! **

Sean decided to pack some tissue paper with him before departing.
I miss you Sean *sob sob*
Oh Sean! We surely miss you humongously! We hate to say byebye to you but we are happy that you found a good home. We are very certain that Sean will be a loyal watchdog and bring loads of Joy to Ryan’s family.