after Adoption Drive …….Looking For Our Lost Furrizens!
I was pretty shocked when I received Sam’s call on one of our missing furrizen on our way home after the adoption drive. After one day of hectic work at the adoption drive, I am sorry I could not join in the mad search for our lost furrizen, BUT VERY PROUD to announce that I have faith in you all, my fellow friends. I truly enjoyed myself working with all these wonderful selfless new found friends from different walks of life and of different ages but with the same compassion for the helping the furrizens.
Mail from Sam this morning:
Dear all,
Thanks everyone for making yesterday a very successful event :)
Last evening we asked Aaron - one of the four seasons adopter to foster munmun as we think summer is always too bored at home. Aaron agreed to foster her till next weekend.
Right after Aaron brought munmun home, the sound of fireworks frightened munmun n thus she dashed out from the gate. Aaron look for her round n round n he saw her but cudnt get near her. This poor girl must be too traumatized as she has never been to any adoption drives previously.
I drove almost 50km from ampang to putra perdana n another 50km from putra perdaNa to putrajaya to seri kembangan. Iks... I got lost while on the way back to seri kembangan. Ter-turn the wrong exit n went to putrajaya instead. So I travelled almost 100km for the searching munmun mission. Thanks Kim n April for rushing over to help also. Luckily they came as I have no experience in looking for lost dog.
Munmun was hiding behind the bomba pipe n shivering when Kim found her.
Well, looks like we need to spend more time with Mun2 to boost her confidence.
Just Incase you all are not aware, Kim n April have spent 2 long days looking for our Ah Boy who ran away from his new home when he was adopted by Raymond in Kajang last October 2009.
April too have gone to Subang Jaya with Aunty Kiew looking for AuntyKiew’s cat when she escaped while been fostered back in July 2009.
WOOF! WOOF! To all my persistent friends!!
Some blurry pictues to show you all....sorry it was too late and kinda dark...
Excited Kim showed us where she saw Mun Mun....

Sam quickly rushed over to lure Mun Mun out from the place where she hid. She managed to sweet talked Mun Mun and finally Mun Mun let Sam got close to her...

Mun Mun back to Aaron's house....what a relief....

Aaron told us there is a new bacth of young pups in the neighbourhood....we planned to go and take a look, so we decided to leave Mun Mun to stay with Summer...of course Summer was extremely excited...
We could not find the pups at the end, they went hiding some we headed back to Aaron's house to pacify frightened Mun Mun....
From Fan
Yippieee!!!! Mun Mun is back with us again! Thanks to our LOST DOG FINDER TEAM!
If we have more people in our group, I think they should head in this section of finding Lost Pets!!!