
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dog Adoption 31072010 @ Jln Kuchai Lama ~ When there’s a will, there’s a way


Today’s drive was an extremely successful one!! We have 15 dogs adopted!

YaaAYY!! Never in our dreams did we imagine that it will be this successful!

We have so many people to thank for that one short post will never be enough to justify our gratefulness.

Please enjoy some of the pictures from the adoption drive today while we compile a list our THANKS >_<

The furry frens..

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There’s still so many more pictures to upload and people to thanks. Pls watch out for more posting.

For the moment, I’m have a date with Mister ‘Zhou’.. ZZzzZZ

Friday, July 30, 2010

Sneak Preview 3 – Our new Cast


Haven’t seen me before huh? Yes  my brother and sisters will be there too  to meet all of you.

P7300246 Hi. I am Delta. The only thorn among the roses.. I will be there too….Yawn,yawn…let me get a nap first and see you all there OK?


I suppose I will be going too. I am Gamma.

P7300241 Alpha: Yeah, don’t forget me. I want to go!

HappyGarden Location map


Below are the location maps of our adoption drive on this 31 July 2010

Do feel free to drop by. C u there!!

Sneak preview 2 – 2 sweeties

Well, if you are still hesitate whether to give 5 Star guests a chance, we have more to offer….


                                     Lovely Kay, 3 months, full health check….passed!

kay 2 

                      gender??? You come and meet him/her, and you will find out!! :)

Some more?? Yes, we do have…

If Kay is not your choice, please meet this sweetie ….


kaylle gril

Well, the picture says it all, Lady Likes…simply adorable….



Sorry for the blurry photo, why not you come over and meet her???

Ok, that is our date…please look for Alice to find out more…C U there!! Happy Garden on 31/7/2010….

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Reminder – Our Date Tomorrow

Do not forget our Date Tomorrow - Our 2nd Adoption Drive

If you are unable to adopt any of our friends tomorrow its all right ,just drop in to receive some smooches, see more tail-wags, get some affection from our furry friends and help put them on cloud 9!!!

Remember to bring along your caps and hats , apply sun-block just incase its hot and sunny and umbrellas just incase it rains.

Most importantly bring your SMILE and your LOVING HEART along.=))) SEE YA!!!

Guess Who????

Some pictures i finally managed to take after she is willing to just sit down quietly and let me take her pictures XD.
She is extremely energetic and it is really hard to take a photo of her =)

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Although she is a beauty now, she is  very naughty haha and a  playful  =) but me and my family are taking good care of her..
She likes to play with me, my bro but not really my mum and dad..cause they are fierce sometimes =(

Above was from one of our responsible adopter who is only a student!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Better Late Than Never ~~ Photos from TCM Adoption Drive on 6th June 2010

After procrastinating for more than a month, i finally got around to upload some pictures taken from the adoption drive held in Tropicana City Mall on 6th June 2010. A Zillion thanks to Petster Magazine and Petfinder for inviting PAWS Mission to join in the adoption drive!


 “Brownie” : Where’re we going?? *whines* I scare scare…




                                                         Blackie” : I know ur scared, but pls don’t bite my

                                                               leg ok.. I just powdered them..





“Brownie” : *sigh* Ur so vain.. Can i snuggle under you then?

“Blackie” : Very well then. Don’t worry, we’re going to this big mall

                    where there will be lots of ppl to sayang us, and maybe take

                    us home.






Both “Brownie” and “Blackie” got adopted during the adoption drive. We’re so happy for them and also very grateful to the kind people whom gave them a home!

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Andy and Millie in a staring competition but got distracted by a leng lui that walks by >_<

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All of Aunty Kiew’s kitten got adopted too! And Yayyy To Chrissy as she’ll be going back with Lynda!



         A total of 3 kittens, 3 pups and 1 dog were adopted. Hooray!!

         ** My memory isn’t what it used to be… so pls correct me if i’ve got the above wrong :D                                                                                      IMG_0201


We also took the opportunity to appeal for donation for Marisa’s treatment. Thanks to all of you whom had contributed to the fund! For updates on Marisa’s recovery journey, click here

Sneak preview – 5 Star guests

Please meet the cute and adorable pups rescued by Michelle recently.





there are 5 of them…2 male and 3 females…want to see more photos?

ok, ok, here they are….

SAM_0346 SAM_0359

cant help to want to see more….?

SAM_0343  SAM_0355

some more…?

These are the 3 females…


                                                   Lovely trio….

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If you think your heart is melt and decided to give them a place that call home….

please come to meet them at the adoption drive on this Saturday…it is 31/7/2010, do mark your calendar…

the 5 Star guests will be there to meet you all…this is going to be their first date…

Tuesday, July 27, 2010







PAWS MISSION one year ago..

As someone who’s only recently got to know about this fantastic group of selfless people, I can only applaud them for what they have done over the past one year.

Looking back though the pictures taken by April one year ago,

To view the album –>

I can’t even imagine all the hard work and effort they have put in to get where PAWS MISSION is today…




One year ago, there’s no shed yet. Aunty Kiew will make a few stops in order to feed the strays around the area. And the only source of water is collected from rain using many pails.

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The only shelter for the strays were built using whatever materials she can get her hands on.

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It’s difficult to care for the strays when they’re scattered around the area. Sometimes they’ll be days when some goes missing and this worries them to death.

But, THANKS to Aunty Kiew’s undivided devotion, the selfless and dedicated group of volunteers and all the good Samaritans that have contributed in many many ways, PAWS Mission now have a shed to keep the strays and the convenience of water supply!

Geok Keng,

Thanks for your contribution and appreciation of what has been done to make this place a happy one, may it be 2 legged or 4 legged....