No pups were adopted from us on the 2nd day but we left happy as PETSTER and PETFINDER.MY event of ‘100 Days For 100 Animals To Find New Homes” met its target before 25th July 2010. One month early before the targeted date.
We were happy to meet some of our previous adopters.
Lynda who adopted Chrissy.Lynda thanks for taking good care of Chrissy, your sponsorship and your delicious donuts!!! Yummy, yummy, yum,yum…… ….

Lynda with Chrissy during the Tropicana City Mall adoption drive

Cute Husky at home
Jeannette and David who adopted our injured Husky on 1.1.2010. Tha nks for understanding that your sponso rship does make a difference to the unadopted furry friends in the shed.Not forgetting for giving Husky a loving home and delicious Isetan’s Char Siew!(According to Jeanette and David,Husky is now a huge dog at 6mths)

Lisa with her dogs loving kids and puzzled Miko.
Lisa who just adopted Yumiko the day before the Pets World E xpo(Sorry my fellow friends were not informed that Miko was adopted and have her photos on the Doggie Hall of Fame for sponsorship.The funds collected by her will be used to sponsor puppies whose photos are not on the Hall of Fame )
Last but not least Linda and hubby.Little Ikea renamed Chu Chu tagged along too! She is really small in size for a 6mths old puppy,short legged too.

A family portrait for us to cherish.

Caught In Action and THANK YOU!!

Kissy Oren came to greet Sam and Aunty Kiew

Our Own Cover Girls and Boy

This little pup from SAS was whining and crying all the time. She wants to be carried.

Our Dream House for our doggies at the shed
One For the Road before we say Bye-Bye